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Mrs. Danielle Bruso » Welcome to Music Class!

Welcome to Music Class!

Hi! My name is Mrs. Bruso, and I teach General Music and Chorus at Madison Elementary!
Creating music with your kiddos is what we do. At each grade level, there are different activities and skills students learn.
Grades 5-6 have spent time learning world drumming, ukulele, and expanding musical vocabulary to enhance cultural learning experiences.
4th graders are using recorders, in addition to instruments, to improve their music reading skills. 
3rd grade explores the world of music through songs of different styles and from different countries. 
2nd and 1st grade integrates science and spelling into the music room, helping students create connections from classroom learning to music class. 
My goal is to provide students a well-rounded music education that supports academic growth. I am so happy to be a part of this wonderful school community! 
If you ever have any questions, please reach out via phone or email. 
Happy Music Making!
-Mrs. Danielle Bruso
(315) 764-3407
Music Teacher